Both Willy and Alex had birthdays this last weekend - Willy his 30th - so tons of old friends from Fort Collins flew out to SF and we had a big surprise party. I caught a ride up from LA with Nate.
We got right to buisness
Ol' Blue Ear
We got pulled over because Someone was drinking their beer as a cop drove by. Driver was sober of course, so it was no big, just a few words from the cop. "I don't know how it is in Colorado, but here in California there's no drinking in cars.."
I managed to get a shot of everyone, except the two people we all came to see..
Happy birthday Willy and Alex!
After the bars, George, Cody and I went out and bombed some hills
And suddenly it was already time to leave.. Thank you so much to Teresa for taking care of all of us piles, you are the worlds most wonderful hostess